October 31, 2005


My favorite part of carving the Halloween pumpkins? Roasting the seeds. I like to toss them with a little fine grain sea salt before spreading them out on a baking sheet and sticking them in a 400 degree oven for about 25 minutes. I've tried a few different spices over the years ...garlic salt, cumin, Johnny's and even cinnamon, but salt is my fave. The darker roasted ones are extra crunchy. Yum.


Mr. Janedoh caught this Yellow Fin Tuna off the coast of Cabo San Lucas. He really wanted to catch a Dorado, supposedly they are good eatin' but I think it's kinda funny that he caught a tuna because he is always telling me how much he loves it when I make it for him for lunch... so much so that now I just roll my eyes and say "I had no idea". It was an adventure in itself just bringing that baby home. We luckily were able to get it fileted, frozen and packed in a cooler(along with the Marlin my friend Carla caught) before we had to jump on a plane back to the real world the next day. Thankfully the cooler passed customs and all the fish stayed frozen till we got home...about 30hrs after this picture was taken. I had visions of the empty cooler coming down the luggage conveyer belt followed by half-frozen chunks of fish in ziploc bags leaking stinky blood all over my fellow travelers luggage. It was all cool though, we ended up with about 25lbs of tuna and now we know what to expect for next time.
I caught and released a 6ft. Marlin...reeled it in all by myself, thank you very much. Well kinda, I had excellent instructions from Fisherman Nino and lots of experience in boat piloting from Capt. Roberto...oh and thanks first mate Martin, you the man! We drank many beers on the boat, ate pretty good boxed lunches and an excellent time was had by all.
I can't wait for our next trip to Mexico. We promised the kids a trip to DisneyWorld next year but after that we're Cabo bound baby!

October 10, 2005


Homemade crust, olive oil, garlic, spinach, red peppers, zucchini, green onions, feta, mozzerella, olives and shrimp. Yum.
The crust was a little too sweet, I'll adjust the recipe for next time. Everything else was delicious.....the feta gave it a nice flavor and the shrimp was perfect. I really like using olive oil and garlic instead of the usual red sauce. Half the usual amount of cheese made it nice and light, reduced the guilt factor.......c'mon veggies are good for you, right.

October 6, 2005


...when you make oatmeal cookies, you need flour. Who knew!
I would have liked to have seen the confused look on my face as I wondered where I went wrong.


October 4, 2005


Ahh...what lovely little pumpkins you are! Perfect for pies and other goodies.
Generously given to us by friends in exchange for homemade lasagne...an excellent trade.
I love Fall.

bringing up the rear

A nice sunday hike ..... right before meeting the grumpiest, most ill-tempered and tenacious rattlesnake in Tumwater Canyon. It was right in the middle of the trail and would not move! My Mr. Janedoh hurled rocks at it to chase it off but it only moved a couple of feet off the trail so we kept an eye on it and then hauled-ass by.... we had a good laugh in the car about how much of an animal lover he is as he was just trying to chase it off, not trying to kill it. I was so proud of the kids, they stayed calm and did as they were told.
Mountain kids ... roar.

October 1, 2005


I'm allergic to strawberries......these have not one speck of real strawberries.